Regis: "Angie, you've done very well so far - $500,000 and one lifeline left -- phone a friend.
The next question will give you the top prize of One Million dollars if you get it right ... but if you get it wrong you will drop back to $32,000 -- are you ready
Angie: "Sure, I'll have a go!"
Regis: "Which of the following birds does not build it's own nest?
Is it........
Remember Angie its worth 1 Million dollars."
"I think I know who it..but I'm not 100%...
No, I haven't got a clue. I'd like to phone a friend Regis, just to be sure.
Regis: "Yes, who, Angie, do you want to phone?
Angie: "I'll phone my friend Jane back home in Texas."
Jane (a blonde): "Hello..."
Regis: "Hello Jane, its Regis here from Who Wants to be a Millionaire-I have Angie here and she is doing really well on $500,000, but needs your help to be a Million.
The next voice you hear will be Angie's and she'll read you the question.
There are 4 possible answers and 1 correct answer and you have 30 seconds to answer -- fire away Angie."
Angie: "Jane, which of the following birds does not build it's own nest? Is it:
Jane: "Oh Gees, Angie that's simple.....It's a Cuckoo."
Angie: "You think?"
Jane: "I'm sure."
Angie: " Thanks Jane." (hangs up)
Regis: "Well, do you want to stick on $500,000 or play on for the Million, Angie?"
Angie: "I want to play, I'll go with C-Cuckoo"
Regis: "Is that your final answer?"
Angie: "It is."
Regis: "Are you confident?"
Angie: "Yes fairly, Jane's a sound bet."
Regis: " had $500,000 and you said C-Cuckoo're right! - You have just won ONE MILLION DOLLARS.
Here is your check. You have been a great contestant and a real gambler. Audience please put your hands together for Angie."
That night Angie calls round to Jane and brings her down to a local bar for a celebration drink and, as they are sipping their Champagne, Angie turns to Jane and asks "Tell me Jane, How in God's name did you know that it was the Cuckoo that does not build its own nest?
Jane: "Listen Angie, everybody knows that a Cuckoo lives in a clock."
Stress Relief Without Medication!
By Josh Murphy
Stress Relief Tips Weekly
Stress is our biological response to increase stimuli. This means that when our bodies encounter something new, different, or difficult we might have a physical or psychological reaction. Too much stress or stress that does not reduce over time can cause physical or psychological problems such as severe anxiety attacks.
Extreme stress is often treated with medication. Medication can help to alleviate the symptoms of chronic stress, but it does have obvious draw backs. There is a daily commitment to taking medication, medication may not work for every individual, and medication often comes with unpleasant side effects.
Medication isn’t for everyone. The side effects and daily regiment can be overwhelming for some. Stress management techniques can help these individuals lessen their daily stress without the use of medications. There are a variety of techniques that can be incorporated into daily activities to reduce the overall effect that stress has over our lives.
A daily walk will help alleviate stress. Regular exercise helps reduce stress by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain while releasing chemical endorphins that cause feelings of happiness and wellbeing. Walking is an excellent form or low impact daily exercise that can be incorporated into any busy schedule.
Our brains are constantly bombarded by information. Aside from the sights and sounds of our immediate environment our brains much also deal with the constant disorganized chatter of televisions, cell phones, and coworkers. Our brains need time to process and absorb this information. Try giving your brain a break by listening to calm, relaxing music.
Information overload can cause stress to escalate beyond our ability to control it. As information devices (cell phones, laptops, pdas, mp3 players, iPhones) become an integrated part of our daily interactions we find ourselves victim to constant stimulus they represent. Turning off the cell phone and laptop in favor of listening to classical composers or soothing sounds of nature will help reduce the amount of stress you feel.
Hobbies are an often overlooked stress reducer. Devoting time to a hobby each week can provide a sense of accomplishment and help shift your thinking from problems and decisions to something more pleasurable. Craft projects, golfing, reading, collecting, or other hobbies can offer valuable time for your mind and body to relax.
Stress not only affects your mind, it affects your body as well. A body under stress will experience tighter muscles along with more frequent aches and pains. A massage can loosen up those muscles and release chemicals in your brain that help combat stress and improve the immune system. Professional massages may be cost prohibitive for some, but never estimate the healing power of a good ‘ole fashioned backrub from a friend.
Withholding or stifling emotions can cause intense amounts of stress. When we are faced with difficult situations we may feel the need to cry or scream. Suppressing those urges repeatedly can cause our stress levels to increase. Managing, not repressing, emotions is vital to reducing the stress in your lives. Anger is a common reaction to stress. Often people repress anger because it is perceived as a negative emotion. A certain amount of anger is normal and necessary for a well balanced personality. Channeling anger in a productive manner can help reduce stress. Use anger to motivate yourself to make changes in those things that upset you. Or if the anger is fleeting consider expressing your anger by using a punching bag, pillow, or exercising.
Stress can take the joy out of life. Learning to control stress can lead to happier, more fulfilling existence and a healthy body and mind. Without or without medication stress can be managed and reduced. There are many ways to reduce stress so experiment to find what works best for you.
Stress Relief Tips Weekly
Stress is our biological response to increase stimuli. This means that when our bodies encounter something new, different, or difficult we might have a physical or psychological reaction. Too much stress or stress that does not reduce over time can cause physical or psychological problems such as severe anxiety attacks.
Extreme stress is often treated with medication. Medication can help to alleviate the symptoms of chronic stress, but it does have obvious draw backs. There is a daily commitment to taking medication, medication may not work for every individual, and medication often comes with unpleasant side effects.
Medication isn’t for everyone. The side effects and daily regiment can be overwhelming for some. Stress management techniques can help these individuals lessen their daily stress without the use of medications. There are a variety of techniques that can be incorporated into daily activities to reduce the overall effect that stress has over our lives.
A daily walk will help alleviate stress. Regular exercise helps reduce stress by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain while releasing chemical endorphins that cause feelings of happiness and wellbeing. Walking is an excellent form or low impact daily exercise that can be incorporated into any busy schedule.
Our brains are constantly bombarded by information. Aside from the sights and sounds of our immediate environment our brains much also deal with the constant disorganized chatter of televisions, cell phones, and coworkers. Our brains need time to process and absorb this information. Try giving your brain a break by listening to calm, relaxing music.
Information overload can cause stress to escalate beyond our ability to control it. As information devices (cell phones, laptops, pdas, mp3 players, iPhones) become an integrated part of our daily interactions we find ourselves victim to constant stimulus they represent. Turning off the cell phone and laptop in favor of listening to classical composers or soothing sounds of nature will help reduce the amount of stress you feel.
Hobbies are an often overlooked stress reducer. Devoting time to a hobby each week can provide a sense of accomplishment and help shift your thinking from problems and decisions to something more pleasurable. Craft projects, golfing, reading, collecting, or other hobbies can offer valuable time for your mind and body to relax.
Stress not only affects your mind, it affects your body as well. A body under stress will experience tighter muscles along with more frequent aches and pains. A massage can loosen up those muscles and release chemicals in your brain that help combat stress and improve the immune system. Professional massages may be cost prohibitive for some, but never estimate the healing power of a good ‘ole fashioned backrub from a friend.
Withholding or stifling emotions can cause intense amounts of stress. When we are faced with difficult situations we may feel the need to cry or scream. Suppressing those urges repeatedly can cause our stress levels to increase. Managing, not repressing, emotions is vital to reducing the stress in your lives. Anger is a common reaction to stress. Often people repress anger because it is perceived as a negative emotion. A certain amount of anger is normal and necessary for a well balanced personality. Channeling anger in a productive manner can help reduce stress. Use anger to motivate yourself to make changes in those things that upset you. Or if the anger is fleeting consider expressing your anger by using a punching bag, pillow, or exercising.
Stress can take the joy out of life. Learning to control stress can lead to happier, more fulfilling existence and a healthy body and mind. Without or without medication stress can be managed and reduced. There are many ways to reduce stress so experiment to find what works best for you.
How to Cure Stress and Live Healthier
By Tristan Lee
We get stressed everyday from working long hours at our jobs. Most jobs, whether offline or online, aren't really "fun" but we try are best to tolerate it through different techniques and methods. As a result, sometimes stuff happens that are beyond our control: we don't get work done on time, we aren't getting paid what we think we should get paid, and the "ideal life" we want seems to be drifting further and further away.
When this happens, it makes us feel stressed. But what does this word "stress" really mean? To me, it means one, two, or all negative emotions that hit us in a period of time causing our bodies to go into a break down mode. These emotions can be anything from fear, anxiety, worry, frustration, and depression; while the body can be in any state from tense, irritated, shaky, weak, and lethargic.
When we feel stressed; our bodies go into a dysfunctional state. One of the most common things people do is when stress occurs, they absorb these negative feelings and continue working, or they just wallow up in these negative feelings and quit working all together to do something more pleasurable like going through their emails, surfing on the web, and watching TV.
If you've ever experienced this, because I know I have from time to time, then you understand that when you work under stress or negative feelings such as worry and anxiety, you cannot focus on your work and you rush to get it done quicker. You don't rush to get it done quicker because the work is hard per se, but because you think that the quicker the work is done, the quicker the stress will be gone. Sometimes the stress does go away, but that leaves quality of our work in jeopardy.
Similarly, allowing negative feelings to disrupt our working ethics or actions and look for more pleasurable alternatives can not only make this a bad habit, but make our work lives rather unproductive. We get nothing done, or we don't get a lot done during the day because we're trying to avoid stress through indulging in other pleasures. Over time, this can lead to major procrastination causing us to beat ourselves up internally because we didn't accomplish as much as we wanted to.
So how can we cure these two things and live a healthier lifestyle?
There are a couple main things that are effective in relieving stress and it's also important to do so because it allows us to focus better in a completely relaxed state, which ultimately leads to better productively and results. Here are some tips that will help you cope with stress.
1. Turning Negative Situations into Positive Situations
Try your best to turn every negative situation, even the worst possible ones imaginable, into a positive one. Whenever a negative situation happens, remember, it is how you deal with them that results in what emotions or feelings you feel afterwards.
For example, if you didn't get that amount of work done that you wanted to, don't say to yourself, "You idiot! You were supposed to finish by 9 o'clock! Why can't you seem to finish your work on time; stop procrastinating!"
Rather, you can say something like, "Hey, I know I didn't finish my work by 9 o'clock, but that's okay. I got some work done and that's better than getting no work done. I just need to remember to take it one step at a time. Tomorrow I'll improve and can do better."
Take it one step at a time. You'll find out that sometimes your negative situation may be impossible to turn into a positive one, but there is always a way. You can think of many, many ways to reframe a negative situation into a positive one from using logic and reasoning or maybe thinking of it from a different perspective.
Being positive even in the worst times will be the first step of reducing stress, and ultimately the last one as well so keep this mind even after you finish reading towards the end.
2. The Power of Exercise
The second method to reducing stress is none other but the obvious and most natural way - exercise. If you find yourself to be in a really stressful situation, give yourself a timeout to take a break and go do some exercise. It's better to take 20 minutes out of your day to relieve yourself and get rid of stress in order to work calmly for the next couple of hours, then to pretend exercise is a waste of time and then work for the next couple of hours being irritated and uncomfortable.
When you take the time to go away from the computer and go outside to do anything that gets your heart and breathing rates pumping, you'll be able to think better, concentrate on what needs to be done, be more creative, and find ways to solve your problems. This is because about 20 percent of our blood flow from our heart to our brain is increased while doing exercise, which contributes to the overall increasing of oxygen to the brain, helping us to think easier.
So, find an exercise that you like to do, whether it's jogging around the neighborhood or riding a bike around the park. Look at the view and see other people, feel the fresh air on your skin and allow it to enter your lungs circulating through your body. It doesn't take too much time to do this and the benefits of exercise won't just help you reduce stress but help the body become healthier as well.
3. Eating Way Healthier
The next to helping stress is something you can see because it occurs within us and that basically involves simply eating healthy. Stress itself already takes away from our nutrients; you can imagine how bad stress can be when a body lacks nutrients that it needs.
If you a reading this and happen to live in a metropolitan area or fast pace lifestyle, then the food you are getting probably consists of stuff like bread, doughnuts, pasta, beef, cheese, pizza and fasts foods. All this stuff doesn't properly give the body the vitamins and minerals it needs to function at maximum efficiency, then if you add soda, coffee, or anything with sugar, it burns up minerals and vitamins that you would have gotten from eating these types of foods.
The "fresh" food we are getting isn't as fresh as it used to be; nowadays the food that we buy goes through many different types of processes along with chemicals added to them which heavily reduces its nutritional value.
As a result of not getting enough nutrients, or loading it up with sugary drinks, you're body will feel jittery, irritated, lethargic, weak, and tired. At this point, adding any more stress to the body one shouldn't be surprised if they go into a period of mental breakdown.
It does take a little bit of discipline to eat healthier, as our culture and society is bombarded with advertisements that make unhealthy food absolutely enjoyable. But just be conscious of what you're eating next time and treat your body as a good friend. For example, instead of red meat, eat fish, instead of eating French fries, eat an orange, and instead of drinking Cola, drink some water.
You'll find this in the long run, a healthy nutrient filled body with vitamins and minerals will an important part of keeping you and your body stress-free.
4. Learning to Let Go
Physically this means relaxing your muscles. From your neck, to your shoulders, to your arms, and legs, learn to relax these parts of the body when they feel tense. Do little exercises like rolling your neck, rolling your shoulders, shaking your wrists and fingers once in a while, but most importantly letting your muscles loose.
This not only prevents body aches in the future, but also helps you conserve more energy to do your work. When your body is tight and tense, energy is wasted and blood flow is constricted throughout the body, but when your body is relaxed, blood flow resumes steadily and easily throughout the body and you'll be saving more energy for when you really need it.
Mentally, learning to let go means stop obsessing over the little things in life. The three of the biggest things that causes our stress is: always wanting to be in control, always needing the approval of others, and always trying to be perfect. When you do not get these things, conflict occurs in the mind and tension occurs in the body which leads to all sorts of negative emotions and feelings.
Realize that you cannot control everything in life; it's supposed to be that okay. The most important thing is to have control over yourself, that's the one thing that you can control, rather than allowing outside factors, which you cannot control, bother you. Work on yourself rather first before you worry about anything else and when you have this part conquered, you'll find that you'll be less and less stressed out.
The second thing is the need for approval. When people do not feel like they are not approved by others, they can get angry or depressed. You don't anybody to approve of you, you approve of yourself. You are just as wonderful as everybody else in the world no matter what other people think, so don't let that area stress you out either. You are capable of doing anything anyone else can do and even better without anyone approving whatever you can or cannot.
Finally, it's the need to be perfect. Everybody has flaws in the world even if you sometimes believe that your problems are so much different from the world's; you just don't know them. It's not necessary to be perfect in everything you do because perfection is just an illusion. It's how you see being perfect.
When you do not achieve being perfect, there is absolutely no need to become stressed out because there is nobody's perfect. And obsessing over every action that you feel needs to be perfect when that it is against the laws of human nature, you are setting yourself up to be stressed. Relax, make mistakes, and fail. These things are okay. I always think to myself, the result of my actions may look perfect in the end, but I know the road in getting there will be imperfect
Stress is how you make of it. As stated before, if you are capable of turning a negative situation and turn it into something positive, you will most likely never be stressed out. But in case you can't, learn to take breaks and do some exercise, treat your body right by giving it proper nutrients it needs, and learn to let go of the small things that lead to negative and emotions. It's okay not to be able to control everything, we don't need to seek approval from others, and it's impossible to be always perfect. So live a relaxed and healthy lifestyle but most importantly, be stress-free. You can do it!
We get stressed everyday from working long hours at our jobs. Most jobs, whether offline or online, aren't really "fun" but we try are best to tolerate it through different techniques and methods. As a result, sometimes stuff happens that are beyond our control: we don't get work done on time, we aren't getting paid what we think we should get paid, and the "ideal life" we want seems to be drifting further and further away.
When this happens, it makes us feel stressed. But what does this word "stress" really mean? To me, it means one, two, or all negative emotions that hit us in a period of time causing our bodies to go into a break down mode. These emotions can be anything from fear, anxiety, worry, frustration, and depression; while the body can be in any state from tense, irritated, shaky, weak, and lethargic.
When we feel stressed; our bodies go into a dysfunctional state. One of the most common things people do is when stress occurs, they absorb these negative feelings and continue working, or they just wallow up in these negative feelings and quit working all together to do something more pleasurable like going through their emails, surfing on the web, and watching TV.
If you've ever experienced this, because I know I have from time to time, then you understand that when you work under stress or negative feelings such as worry and anxiety, you cannot focus on your work and you rush to get it done quicker. You don't rush to get it done quicker because the work is hard per se, but because you think that the quicker the work is done, the quicker the stress will be gone. Sometimes the stress does go away, but that leaves quality of our work in jeopardy.
Similarly, allowing negative feelings to disrupt our working ethics or actions and look for more pleasurable alternatives can not only make this a bad habit, but make our work lives rather unproductive. We get nothing done, or we don't get a lot done during the day because we're trying to avoid stress through indulging in other pleasures. Over time, this can lead to major procrastination causing us to beat ourselves up internally because we didn't accomplish as much as we wanted to.
So how can we cure these two things and live a healthier lifestyle?
There are a couple main things that are effective in relieving stress and it's also important to do so because it allows us to focus better in a completely relaxed state, which ultimately leads to better productively and results. Here are some tips that will help you cope with stress.
1. Turning Negative Situations into Positive Situations
Try your best to turn every negative situation, even the worst possible ones imaginable, into a positive one. Whenever a negative situation happens, remember, it is how you deal with them that results in what emotions or feelings you feel afterwards.
For example, if you didn't get that amount of work done that you wanted to, don't say to yourself, "You idiot! You were supposed to finish by 9 o'clock! Why can't you seem to finish your work on time; stop procrastinating!"
Rather, you can say something like, "Hey, I know I didn't finish my work by 9 o'clock, but that's okay. I got some work done and that's better than getting no work done. I just need to remember to take it one step at a time. Tomorrow I'll improve and can do better."
Take it one step at a time. You'll find out that sometimes your negative situation may be impossible to turn into a positive one, but there is always a way. You can think of many, many ways to reframe a negative situation into a positive one from using logic and reasoning or maybe thinking of it from a different perspective.
Being positive even in the worst times will be the first step of reducing stress, and ultimately the last one as well so keep this mind even after you finish reading towards the end.
2. The Power of Exercise
The second method to reducing stress is none other but the obvious and most natural way - exercise. If you find yourself to be in a really stressful situation, give yourself a timeout to take a break and go do some exercise. It's better to take 20 minutes out of your day to relieve yourself and get rid of stress in order to work calmly for the next couple of hours, then to pretend exercise is a waste of time and then work for the next couple of hours being irritated and uncomfortable.
When you take the time to go away from the computer and go outside to do anything that gets your heart and breathing rates pumping, you'll be able to think better, concentrate on what needs to be done, be more creative, and find ways to solve your problems. This is because about 20 percent of our blood flow from our heart to our brain is increased while doing exercise, which contributes to the overall increasing of oxygen to the brain, helping us to think easier.
So, find an exercise that you like to do, whether it's jogging around the neighborhood or riding a bike around the park. Look at the view and see other people, feel the fresh air on your skin and allow it to enter your lungs circulating through your body. It doesn't take too much time to do this and the benefits of exercise won't just help you reduce stress but help the body become healthier as well.
3. Eating Way Healthier
The next to helping stress is something you can see because it occurs within us and that basically involves simply eating healthy. Stress itself already takes away from our nutrients; you can imagine how bad stress can be when a body lacks nutrients that it needs.
If you a reading this and happen to live in a metropolitan area or fast pace lifestyle, then the food you are getting probably consists of stuff like bread, doughnuts, pasta, beef, cheese, pizza and fasts foods. All this stuff doesn't properly give the body the vitamins and minerals it needs to function at maximum efficiency, then if you add soda, coffee, or anything with sugar, it burns up minerals and vitamins that you would have gotten from eating these types of foods.
The "fresh" food we are getting isn't as fresh as it used to be; nowadays the food that we buy goes through many different types of processes along with chemicals added to them which heavily reduces its nutritional value.
As a result of not getting enough nutrients, or loading it up with sugary drinks, you're body will feel jittery, irritated, lethargic, weak, and tired. At this point, adding any more stress to the body one shouldn't be surprised if they go into a period of mental breakdown.
It does take a little bit of discipline to eat healthier, as our culture and society is bombarded with advertisements that make unhealthy food absolutely enjoyable. But just be conscious of what you're eating next time and treat your body as a good friend. For example, instead of red meat, eat fish, instead of eating French fries, eat an orange, and instead of drinking Cola, drink some water.
You'll find this in the long run, a healthy nutrient filled body with vitamins and minerals will an important part of keeping you and your body stress-free.
4. Learning to Let Go
Physically this means relaxing your muscles. From your neck, to your shoulders, to your arms, and legs, learn to relax these parts of the body when they feel tense. Do little exercises like rolling your neck, rolling your shoulders, shaking your wrists and fingers once in a while, but most importantly letting your muscles loose.
This not only prevents body aches in the future, but also helps you conserve more energy to do your work. When your body is tight and tense, energy is wasted and blood flow is constricted throughout the body, but when your body is relaxed, blood flow resumes steadily and easily throughout the body and you'll be saving more energy for when you really need it.
Mentally, learning to let go means stop obsessing over the little things in life. The three of the biggest things that causes our stress is: always wanting to be in control, always needing the approval of others, and always trying to be perfect. When you do not get these things, conflict occurs in the mind and tension occurs in the body which leads to all sorts of negative emotions and feelings.
Realize that you cannot control everything in life; it's supposed to be that okay. The most important thing is to have control over yourself, that's the one thing that you can control, rather than allowing outside factors, which you cannot control, bother you. Work on yourself rather first before you worry about anything else and when you have this part conquered, you'll find that you'll be less and less stressed out.
The second thing is the need for approval. When people do not feel like they are not approved by others, they can get angry or depressed. You don't anybody to approve of you, you approve of yourself. You are just as wonderful as everybody else in the world no matter what other people think, so don't let that area stress you out either. You are capable of doing anything anyone else can do and even better without anyone approving whatever you can or cannot.
Finally, it's the need to be perfect. Everybody has flaws in the world even if you sometimes believe that your problems are so much different from the world's; you just don't know them. It's not necessary to be perfect in everything you do because perfection is just an illusion. It's how you see being perfect.
When you do not achieve being perfect, there is absolutely no need to become stressed out because there is nobody's perfect. And obsessing over every action that you feel needs to be perfect when that it is against the laws of human nature, you are setting yourself up to be stressed. Relax, make mistakes, and fail. These things are okay. I always think to myself, the result of my actions may look perfect in the end, but I know the road in getting there will be imperfect
Stress is how you make of it. As stated before, if you are capable of turning a negative situation and turn it into something positive, you will most likely never be stressed out. But in case you can't, learn to take breaks and do some exercise, treat your body right by giving it proper nutrients it needs, and learn to let go of the small things that lead to negative and emotions. It's okay not to be able to control everything, we don't need to seek approval from others, and it's impossible to be always perfect. So live a relaxed and healthy lifestyle but most importantly, be stress-free. You can do it!
20 Ways to Lower Stress in Your Life
By Kim Cooper
Stress is damaging and it can take a toll on your personal life as well as your career. I dealt with high levels of stress in my former work place. It got so bad that I would feel sick walking into the building. I came home in bad moods and took it out on my loved ones. Life doesn't have to be that way and you don't have to live stressed out 24/7.
High levels of stress can do major damage to us mentally and physically. Some people have suffered from panic attacks and other physical affects due to tension and stress. Mentally, you may be worn down and suffer from constant mood swings. I for one felt a lack of energy and stopped caring about my general health in terms of exercise and eating healthy.
Here are some ways to help lower your stress levels:
1. Meditate
2. Learn how to breath better
3. Take mini-vacations
4. Yoga
5. Take naps
6. Separate work life from home life
7. Stop working late hours
8. Become more organized
9. Take things slower
10. Exercise regularly
11. Enjoy quality time with family
12. Take up a new hobby
13. Change careers
14. Become more social
15. Go to more events (shows, concerts, etc.)
16. Take more breaks during the day
17. Cut out bad habits (smoking, eating junk, etc.)
18. Read stress management books
19. Make positive affirmations
20. Get a pet
A surefire way to lower stress and finally live stress free is to follow a stress management program that explains how. I found such a program that may be the perfect fit for you.
Stress is damaging and it can take a toll on your personal life as well as your career. I dealt with high levels of stress in my former work place. It got so bad that I would feel sick walking into the building. I came home in bad moods and took it out on my loved ones. Life doesn't have to be that way and you don't have to live stressed out 24/7.
High levels of stress can do major damage to us mentally and physically. Some people have suffered from panic attacks and other physical affects due to tension and stress. Mentally, you may be worn down and suffer from constant mood swings. I for one felt a lack of energy and stopped caring about my general health in terms of exercise and eating healthy.
Here are some ways to help lower your stress levels:
1. Meditate
2. Learn how to breath better
3. Take mini-vacations
4. Yoga
5. Take naps
6. Separate work life from home life
7. Stop working late hours
8. Become more organized
9. Take things slower
10. Exercise regularly
11. Enjoy quality time with family
12. Take up a new hobby
13. Change careers
14. Become more social
15. Go to more events (shows, concerts, etc.)
16. Take more breaks during the day
17. Cut out bad habits (smoking, eating junk, etc.)
18. Read stress management books
19. Make positive affirmations
20. Get a pet
A surefire way to lower stress and finally live stress free is to follow a stress management program that explains how. I found such a program that may be the perfect fit for you.
How to Become Stress Free
By Jamie Krause
When stress gets built up, it just isn't somewhere you want to be. I bet your wishing that you could find a way to be stress free. There is no way to become completely stress free but you can do things that will make you come close. Some stress can be good but if you get to much of it, it will take you downhill.
If your starting to feel very stressed out, remember to tell yourself to relax. We need to take a few minutes a day to relax. However you like to relax, by laying on the couch letting your mind drift off or maybe simply by listening to music that is easy to listen to.
We can be so busy with our lives sometimes but you must find time to do what you want to do each day. If it is only a half an hour, take it. You need time for yourself, maybe you like to go fishing or play golf, whatever you like to do you must do it. If you can't have a little bit of fun, your life will build up stress.
Put yourself around people who will make you laugh. By laughing more throughout the day, this will make you less stressful and will make you happier. Did you know laughing a lot can even burn calories? That is pretty neat if you think about it!
Take time and put some exercise into your day. Exercising releases a hormone which will make you happy, taking the stress away. It will also make you healthier to exercise each day. By living a healthy lifestyle, it will put you closer to becoming stress free.
By doing these little things to help relieve stress, it will put you on the road to becoming stress free. Next time you feel stressed out, tell yourself to relax and chill out!
When stress gets built up, it just isn't somewhere you want to be. I bet your wishing that you could find a way to be stress free. There is no way to become completely stress free but you can do things that will make you come close. Some stress can be good but if you get to much of it, it will take you downhill.
If your starting to feel very stressed out, remember to tell yourself to relax. We need to take a few minutes a day to relax. However you like to relax, by laying on the couch letting your mind drift off or maybe simply by listening to music that is easy to listen to.
We can be so busy with our lives sometimes but you must find time to do what you want to do each day. If it is only a half an hour, take it. You need time for yourself, maybe you like to go fishing or play golf, whatever you like to do you must do it. If you can't have a little bit of fun, your life will build up stress.
Put yourself around people who will make you laugh. By laughing more throughout the day, this will make you less stressful and will make you happier. Did you know laughing a lot can even burn calories? That is pretty neat if you think about it!
Take time and put some exercise into your day. Exercising releases a hormone which will make you happy, taking the stress away. It will also make you healthier to exercise each day. By living a healthy lifestyle, it will put you closer to becoming stress free.
By doing these little things to help relieve stress, it will put you on the road to becoming stress free. Next time you feel stressed out, tell yourself to relax and chill out!
Fast Stress Relief
1. Take a walk. Walking is one of the best stress relief techniques if you have at least ten minutes. It is even better if you can find a pretty place to walk.
2. Laugh at something. Experience shows that this helps you relax, right? Find the person who knows all the best jokes, or look for something funny in front of you.
3. Get out of the room for a while. Sometimes the things in the room or related to the room are triggering your stressful thoughts. Try getting out for a little while.
4. Have a cup of chamomile tea. Chamomile seems to have a calming effect on the nerves, although any hot tea without caffeine may help relieve stress.
5. Take a hot shower. This relaxes your muscles, and any break from more stressful activities can help too. Some find that an alternating hot and cold shower is even more relaxing, but be careful with this one if you have a weak heart!
6. Interrupt you normal routines. Talk to the crazy lady in the park, or eat your lunch outside. Doing anything that breaks you out of your habitual patterns can often relieve stress.
7. Deep breathing. Try six or seven deep breaths through your nose, with your eyes closed. Pay attention only to your breathing while doing this. This is "mini-meditation," and possibly one the most effective of these stress relief techniques.
8. Give someone a hug. Of course, giving a hug means getting one, and as long as it's from somebody you don't mind hugging, this can immediately reduce your level of stress.
9. Watch your mind. Notice mental irritants lurking just below the surface and resolve them. Make the call that's on your mind, put things on a list so you can drop them, and generally let go of non-essential thoughts. Practice this mindfulness exercise, and it may become one of your favorite stress relief techniques.
10. Turn on some relaxing music. Have your favorite relaxation CDs in the car, in your office, or wherever you'll need them most.
2. Laugh at something. Experience shows that this helps you relax, right? Find the person who knows all the best jokes, or look for something funny in front of you.
3. Get out of the room for a while. Sometimes the things in the room or related to the room are triggering your stressful thoughts. Try getting out for a little while.
4. Have a cup of chamomile tea. Chamomile seems to have a calming effect on the nerves, although any hot tea without caffeine may help relieve stress.
5. Take a hot shower. This relaxes your muscles, and any break from more stressful activities can help too. Some find that an alternating hot and cold shower is even more relaxing, but be careful with this one if you have a weak heart!
6. Interrupt you normal routines. Talk to the crazy lady in the park, or eat your lunch outside. Doing anything that breaks you out of your habitual patterns can often relieve stress.
7. Deep breathing. Try six or seven deep breaths through your nose, with your eyes closed. Pay attention only to your breathing while doing this. This is "mini-meditation," and possibly one the most effective of these stress relief techniques.
8. Give someone a hug. Of course, giving a hug means getting one, and as long as it's from somebody you don't mind hugging, this can immediately reduce your level of stress.
9. Watch your mind. Notice mental irritants lurking just below the surface and resolve them. Make the call that's on your mind, put things on a list so you can drop them, and generally let go of non-essential thoughts. Practice this mindfulness exercise, and it may become one of your favorite stress relief techniques.
10. Turn on some relaxing music. Have your favorite relaxation CDs in the car, in your office, or wherever you'll need them most.
Reduce Stress Even In Recession
At times like these it's easy to become so terribly stressed and dissatisfied. With the economy biting so hard, unemployment rate on the increase and hardship threatening to rear its ugly head.These might lead to worrying and worry to stress which will only do damage to your health. So instead of saying yes to worry and stress, why not choose to say a big 'NO' by applying these simple tips below.
Tune out the Negative.
Don't listen to bad news either on the radio, television or in the conversations of others. Keep yourself positive by remaining in a "negative free zone".
Think of Everything Good.
Go on a rampage of appreciation. Begin to notice everything good in your life and all the beauty that surrounds you. Keep noticing and appreciating everything no matter how seemingly simple-the sun shining, the flowers blooming, your favorite piece of clothing. As your attention and mood shift to good things, so will your outcomes.
Shift your Energy.
Use any technique that moves you from feeling negative to feeling positive such as meditation, uplifting music, candles, hot bath, sitting quietly, talking with friends or helping others. Your goal is to feel better by improving your mood. Even a small incremental move forward is a huge step.
Regain Trust.
Remind yourself that you create your own reality and are not governed by anything but your thoughts. Think about other times when you were uncertain or scared but things managed to work out. Remind yourself that things will work out again and trust that it will happen.
Take extra good care of yourself.
Practice extreme self-care. Try eating better, sleeping more, and exercising. Spend a day doing something you absolutely enjoy. Laugh!
Focus on what You Want.
Instead of thinking about everything that you don't want, focus your intention on what you do want. Hint-if you are worrying you are focused on what you don't want regardless of the words you are thinking or saying.
Make a habit of practicing each of these tips daily, and suddenly you'll find that your circumstances will improve.
Tune out the Negative.
Don't listen to bad news either on the radio, television or in the conversations of others. Keep yourself positive by remaining in a "negative free zone".
Think of Everything Good.
Go on a rampage of appreciation. Begin to notice everything good in your life and all the beauty that surrounds you. Keep noticing and appreciating everything no matter how seemingly simple-the sun shining, the flowers blooming, your favorite piece of clothing. As your attention and mood shift to good things, so will your outcomes.
Shift your Energy.
Use any technique that moves you from feeling negative to feeling positive such as meditation, uplifting music, candles, hot bath, sitting quietly, talking with friends or helping others. Your goal is to feel better by improving your mood. Even a small incremental move forward is a huge step.
Regain Trust.
Remind yourself that you create your own reality and are not governed by anything but your thoughts. Think about other times when you were uncertain or scared but things managed to work out. Remind yourself that things will work out again and trust that it will happen.
Take extra good care of yourself.
Practice extreme self-care. Try eating better, sleeping more, and exercising. Spend a day doing something you absolutely enjoy. Laugh!
Focus on what You Want.
Instead of thinking about everything that you don't want, focus your intention on what you do want. Hint-if you are worrying you are focused on what you don't want regardless of the words you are thinking or saying.
Make a habit of practicing each of these tips daily, and suddenly you'll find that your circumstances will improve.
Reduce Stress Even In Recession
At times like these it's easy to become so terribly stressed and dissatisfied. With the economy biting so hard, unemployment rate on the increase and hardship threatening to rear its ugly head.These might lead to worrying and worry to stress which will only do damage to your health. So instead of saying yes to worry and stress, why not choose to say a big 'NO' by applying these simple tips below.
Tune out the Negative.
Don't listen to bad news either on the radio, television or in the conversations of others. Keep yourself positive by remaining in a "negative free zone".
Think of Everything Good.
Go on a rampage of appreciation. Begin to notice everything good in your life and all the beauty that surrounds you. Keep noticing and appreciating everything no matter how seemingly simple-the sun shining, the flowers blooming, your favorite piece of clothing. As your attention and mood shift to good things, so will your outcomes.
Shift your Energy.
Use any technique that moves you from feeling negative to feeling positive such as meditation, uplifting music, candles, hot bath, sitting quietly, talking with friends or helping others. Your goal is to feel better by improving your mood. Even a small incremental move forward is a huge step.
Regain Trust.
Remind yourself that you create your own reality and are not governed by anything but your thoughts. Think about other times when you were uncertain or scared but things managed to work out. Remind yourself that things will work out again and trust that it will happen.
Take extra good care of yourself.
Practice extreme self-care. Try eating better, sleeping more, and exercising. Spend a day doing something you absolutely enjoy. Laugh!
Focus on what You Want.
Instead of thinking about everything that you don't want, focus your intention on what you do want. Hint-if you are worrying you are focused on what you don't want regardless of the words you are thinking or saying.
Make a habit of practicing each of these tips daily, and suddenly you'll find that your circumstances will improve.
Tune out the Negative.
Don't listen to bad news either on the radio, television or in the conversations of others. Keep yourself positive by remaining in a "negative free zone".
Think of Everything Good.
Go on a rampage of appreciation. Begin to notice everything good in your life and all the beauty that surrounds you. Keep noticing and appreciating everything no matter how seemingly simple-the sun shining, the flowers blooming, your favorite piece of clothing. As your attention and mood shift to good things, so will your outcomes.
Shift your Energy.
Use any technique that moves you from feeling negative to feeling positive such as meditation, uplifting music, candles, hot bath, sitting quietly, talking with friends or helping others. Your goal is to feel better by improving your mood. Even a small incremental move forward is a huge step.
Regain Trust.
Remind yourself that you create your own reality and are not governed by anything but your thoughts. Think about other times when you were uncertain or scared but things managed to work out. Remind yourself that things will work out again and trust that it will happen.
Take extra good care of yourself.
Practice extreme self-care. Try eating better, sleeping more, and exercising. Spend a day doing something you absolutely enjoy. Laugh!
Focus on what You Want.
Instead of thinking about everything that you don't want, focus your intention on what you do want. Hint-if you are worrying you are focused on what you don't want regardless of the words you are thinking or saying.
Make a habit of practicing each of these tips daily, and suddenly you'll find that your circumstances will improve.
Short Jokes
Good Time
Muyo says : " Have you read that every average Bosnian man, has at least 8 relationships before marriage ?".
Haso replies : " Jesus! Some people really had a good time instead of me!".
Fat Safety
A fat lady is lying on the beach. A lifeguard comes near her
and says, "Excuse me miss, could you please leave the beach?"
The obese lady replies, "Why? What is the matter?"
"Well you see," says the lifeguard, "It's getting pretty
late, and the tide wants to come in!"
Muyo says : " Have you read that every average Bosnian man, has at least 8 relationships before marriage ?".
Haso replies : " Jesus! Some people really had a good time instead of me!".
Fat Safety
A fat lady is lying on the beach. A lifeguard comes near her
and says, "Excuse me miss, could you please leave the beach?"
The obese lady replies, "Why? What is the matter?"
"Well you see," says the lifeguard, "It's getting pretty
late, and the tide wants to come in!"
Short Joke: Spit Support!
In a restaurant, a man ordered soup, but as soon as it arrived, he had to go to the bathroom. To make sure that nobody touched his soup while he is away, he wrote on a napkin: "I SPIT IN THE SOUP". When he returned, he found another message on napkin: "ME, TOO".
Really Funny Japanese Pranks
Waoh! This is absolutely incredible. Japanese pranks to keep your mouth wide opened, they just know how to do!
Watch this video to get a good distraction and shift your mind from that stress inducing thought pattern.
Funny Jap Pranks - Watch more amazing videos here
Watch this video to get a good distraction and shift your mind from that stress inducing thought pattern.
Funny Jap Pranks - Watch more amazing videos here
Animal Video That' s Really Funny
Never knew animals too could have a sense of humor or what else can I say?
Simply shake off stress and have a good laugh.
Enjoy watching!
Funny Animals Videos 02
Simply shake off stress and have a good laugh.
Enjoy watching!
Funny Animals Videos 02
Let The Kids Make You Laugh... very funny indeed!
Laughter works like medicine.
It kills stress, helps you ease tension and stops you from sinking deep into depression. Help yourself with a good laugh by watching this video.
Funny Kids
It kills stress, helps you ease tension and stops you from sinking deep into depression. Help yourself with a good laugh by watching this video.
Funny Kids
Stop Stress Now
The world is changing fast and it’s springing surprises on many. Take for instance the world economy, it is shaky at the moment, various countries are affected and not even America is spared. Unemployment rate is increasing, people are worried, scared and stressed.
The credit crunch is hitting real hard and as a result many are afraid. Anxiety and Depression seem to be written on the faces of many. Now these is not good at all and something ought to be done fast. While world leaders are busy in their own capacity trying to fix things it’s important you shield yourself from stress and go through the times with ease and if possible zero stress.
How Can You Do That
It is so simple. Identify what fuels stress and avoid it as much as possible. Three main things that fuel stress is anger, anxiety and depression.
The 4 tips below will help you find relief from stress as a result of anger, anxiety and depression.
1. Talk to a friend about it and get good counseling, don’t stay bottled up inside.
2. Get a distraction, get a life.
3. Take a walk and enjoy the gift of nature
4. Exercise
The credit crunch is hitting real hard and as a result many are afraid. Anxiety and Depression seem to be written on the faces of many. Now these is not good at all and something ought to be done fast. While world leaders are busy in their own capacity trying to fix things it’s important you shield yourself from stress and go through the times with ease and if possible zero stress.
How Can You Do That
It is so simple. Identify what fuels stress and avoid it as much as possible. Three main things that fuel stress is anger, anxiety and depression.
The 4 tips below will help you find relief from stress as a result of anger, anxiety and depression.
1. Talk to a friend about it and get good counseling, don’t stay bottled up inside.
2. Get a distraction, get a life.
3. Take a walk and enjoy the gift of nature
4. Exercise
Fight Stress Fast!
Every human is loaded with lots of potentials but sometimes if you don’t know how to manage stress and reduce it as much as possible you might end up not giving life your best even though you want to.
So it is very important that you know how to unlock the potential that lies within, go ahead succeed and still be loaded with more energy to do more! For that to happen you won’t just wish it you take relevant steps from time to time. If you check my previous posts on stress reduction I have no doubt you will find helpful tips that will do you good. I also made this amazing discovery and I tell you it will blow your mind like it did mine especially if you have zero tolerance for stress and you are ever willing to do all it takes for your body, mind and soul to be at its best.
I came across this wonderful stress killer, anxiety reducing and effective product by Paul Kleinmeulman
12 Amazing Binaural Beats Audios,
That Force You To Come Alive With
More Energy, Learn Quicker, Think More Creatively And Focus On Your Work
Like Never Before..." Designed To 'Switch On' Your Brain
In Any Situation...

Here Are The Areas Binaural Audios Can Help You
Stress Reduction
Anxiety Reduction
Better Sleep
And much more...
If you want to get more information on it or give it a try Click Here!
Don’t forget to share your wonderful experience with me, it will make me feel good to know I was of help to you. Thanks.
So it is very important that you know how to unlock the potential that lies within, go ahead succeed and still be loaded with more energy to do more! For that to happen you won’t just wish it you take relevant steps from time to time. If you check my previous posts on stress reduction I have no doubt you will find helpful tips that will do you good. I also made this amazing discovery and I tell you it will blow your mind like it did mine especially if you have zero tolerance for stress and you are ever willing to do all it takes for your body, mind and soul to be at its best.
I came across this wonderful stress killer, anxiety reducing and effective product by Paul Kleinmeulman
12 Amazing Binaural Beats Audios,
That Force You To Come Alive With
More Energy, Learn Quicker, Think More Creatively And Focus On Your Work
Like Never Before..." Designed To 'Switch On' Your Brain
In Any Situation...

Here Are The Areas Binaural Audios Can Help You
Stress Reduction
Anxiety Reduction
Better Sleep
And much more...
If you want to get more information on it or give it a try Click Here!
Don’t forget to share your wonderful experience with me, it will make me feel good to know I was of help to you. Thanks.
Lost... sure to make you smile.
A young man comes across an old man sitting on a park bench, crying.
When he asks him why, the old man replies, "I have a beautiful, 27-year-old wife waiting for me at home."
Of course the young man is confused.
He asks, "Why are you crying because you have a beautiful, 27-year-old wife waiting for you at home?"
The old man looks up and cries out, "I can't remember where I live!"
When he asks him why, the old man replies, "I have a beautiful, 27-year-old wife waiting for me at home."
Of course the young man is confused.
He asks, "Why are you crying because you have a beautiful, 27-year-old wife waiting for you at home?"
The old man looks up and cries out, "I can't remember where I live!"
Very Funny, Can't stop Laughing!
Funny - A funny movie is a click away
No doubt you've shaken off stress, you feel better now I guess?
Laughter works like medicine makesure you don't allow anything tamper with your joy this year.
Keep visiting this blog, you are loved!
Young And Old...
A young punker gets on the cross-town bus. He's got spiked, multicolored hair that's green, purple, and orange. His clothes are a tattered mix of leather rags. His legs are bare and he's without shoes. His entire face and body are riddled with pierced jewelry and his earrings are big, bright feathers. He sits down in the only vacant seat, directly across from an old man who just glares at him for the next ten miles.
Finally, the punk gets self conscious and barks at the old man, "What are you looking at you old fart? Didn't you ever do anything wild when you were young?"
Without missing a beat, the old man replies, "Yeah. Back when I was young and in the Navy, I got really drunk one night in Singapore and had sex with a parrot. I thought maybe you were my son."
Finally, the punk gets self conscious and barks at the old man, "What are you looking at you old fart? Didn't you ever do anything wild when you were young?"
Without missing a beat, the old man replies, "Yeah. Back when I was young and in the Navy, I got really drunk one night in Singapore and had sex with a parrot. I thought maybe you were my son."
Blonde Painter.
A blonde worker was given the job of painting white lines down the middle of the highway. On her first day, she painted six miles. On her second day, she painted three miles. On her third day, she painted less than a mile.
The foreman was not pleased. "How come you're doing less each day?" he demanded.
The blonde replied, "Each day I keep getting further away from the can of paint!"
The foreman was not pleased. "How come you're doing less each day?" he demanded.
The blonde replied, "Each day I keep getting further away from the can of paint!"
Married Virgin
Ever heard about the woman who married three different Microsoft employees and still died a virgin?
Her fist husband was in Training, and he kept teaching her how to do it herself. The second one was in Sales, and he kept telling her how good it was going to be in the next release. The third was in Tech Support, and he kept saying, "Don't worry, it'll be up any minute now..."
Her fist husband was in Training, and he kept teaching her how to do it herself. The second one was in Sales, and he kept telling her how good it was going to be in the next release. The third was in Tech Support, and he kept saying, "Don't worry, it'll be up any minute now..."
Funny Old Man
Funny Old Man - The best bloopers are here
Hope you had a good laugh?
Please check this blog again for more.
Red Alert!
The admiral was resting in his quarters when suddenly the lookout burst in. "Two enemy ships spotted on the horizon, sir."
"Right," said the admiral, "Fetch me my red shirt."
The danger passed but later in the day the lookout burst in once more. "Three enemy ships spotted on the horizon, sir."
"Right," said the admiral, leaping to his feet. "Fetch me my red shirt."
Again the danger passed but the lookout felt compelled to ask the admiral why he always ordered his red shirt when the threat of battle arose.
"Well," explained the admiral. "It's a question of moale. If I'm wounded while wearing a red shirt, the men won't see the blood and will continue to fight."
When this answer was relayed to the rest of the crew, all agreed that their admiral was a remarkably courageous man.
The next morning, the admiral was resting in his quarters as usual when suddenly the lookout burst in. "Twelve enemy ships are closing in fast, sir!"
"Right," said the admiral. "Fetch me my brown pants."
"Right," said the admiral, "Fetch me my red shirt."
The danger passed but later in the day the lookout burst in once more. "Three enemy ships spotted on the horizon, sir."
"Right," said the admiral, leaping to his feet. "Fetch me my red shirt."
Again the danger passed but the lookout felt compelled to ask the admiral why he always ordered his red shirt when the threat of battle arose.
"Well," explained the admiral. "It's a question of moale. If I'm wounded while wearing a red shirt, the men won't see the blood and will continue to fight."
When this answer was relayed to the rest of the crew, all agreed that their admiral was a remarkably courageous man.
The next morning, the admiral was resting in his quarters as usual when suddenly the lookout burst in. "Twelve enemy ships are closing in fast, sir!"
"Right," said the admiral. "Fetch me my brown pants."
Simply Hiking!
A father came home from a long business trip to find his son riding a fancy new bike.
"Where did you get the money for that?" he asked. "It must've cost $300!"
"I earned it hiking," replied the boy.
"Come on, son, tell me the truth. Nobody gets that sort of money by hiking. Where did you really get the cash?"
"It's like I say, Dad. Every night you were gone, Mr. Jones from the bank would come over and see Mom. He'd give me a 20-dollar bill and tell me to take a hike."
"Where did you get the money for that?" he asked. "It must've cost $300!"
"I earned it hiking," replied the boy.
"Come on, son, tell me the truth. Nobody gets that sort of money by hiking. Where did you really get the cash?"
"It's like I say, Dad. Every night you were gone, Mr. Jones from the bank would come over and see Mom. He'd give me a 20-dollar bill and tell me to take a hike."
Sexy Old Man!
Funny Sexy Old Man - Click here for more home videos
I really hope this puts a lovely smile on your face.
Have a wonderful 2009 and a lovley day!
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